Der Haalquell & Hohenlohe Heimat
These two local history journals were some of the greatest finds of my trip to the town archives. Below are 20 some articles about key Salt Making Families or historical areas related to Hall.
Key Salt Making Family
Feyerabend, originally from Heilbronn
A Great Salt Making Family
One of the oldest Salt Makers with Gnadental Sieden
One of the oldest Salt Makers
One of the Stammsieder
An old, old aristocratic family with ties to the Seyboth Family
The Müller were an old Salt Making family many of whose descendants rose to prominence
The most famous of the Salt Makers
Member of a key Salt Making Family
Founded in the 12th century; the King gave them 6 of Hall's Salt Pans about 1320
A member of this Salt Making family began Mayor
A Nobelman who passed a Salt Pan to the Hub Family
Stammsieder family which included the Great Mayor of 1686
Old Family in Hall since 1372
One of the Stammsieder
Description of Michael Seyboth's Family
A mystery in the Seyboth Family
Lawsuits over Salt Making Inheritance
The Mayor who broke the control of the Nobles
Salt Boilers since 1345
Founder of a prominent family in Hall
Hans Schreyer's great painting of the Town in 1643
A Salt Making right traced back to 1231
Long-time Salt Makers in Hall
Story of the devastating city fire of 1728
Documentation of People leaving Hall in the 1700s
Konrad Vogelmann's Salt Contract of 1372
1415 Ulrich Harlung obtained 2 Salt Pans forever
Dissertation: Hall Council 16th century
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Wiki article
Fan Chart for Dietrich's grandfather
Beyschlag Family History & Genealogy
Beyschlag Family - Part 2
Wetzel Family Genealogy: Hans Wetzel (1464-1530)
View My Listing of Photos from Hall and the City Archives
Excellent article about the history of the town's ruling body
Biographic Info on all the Councilors
Exhaustive list of 15th Century Hall Surnames