A name given to those Salt Makers who first developed hereditary salt rights. Gerhard Wunder lists 40 families in his excellent book: Die Bürger von Hall. In the list below, each salt maker is a hyperlink to a family tree. You will need to expand the image to properly view it. Due to incredible intermarriage, most grandchildren of the Stammsieder were related. In the Control Book images below, lines emanating from the Stammsieder draw to each of his children. The dates are years profit payments were made by the Loß system
Beyschlag, Georg b. 1495 oo Apoll Blinzig & Cath Dötschmann
Blinzig, Hans b. abt 1435 oo Apoll. Speltacher
Blinzig, Ulrich b. abt 1500 oo -- Botz
Blinzig, Lutz or Konz b. <1430 oo Unknown
Blumenhauer, Paul b. abt 1485 oo Marg Lauth
Botz, Hans Elder b. ~1462 oo Anna Blinzig
Botz, Heinrich b. abt 1445 oo Anna
Botz, Sebastian b. ca1470 oo Anna Gutjahr
Bühl, Joachim b. abt 1510 oo Naburg Blinzig
Dötschmann, Lutz b. abt 1485 oo Barb Schneider
Dötschmann, Peter b. abt 1505 oo Apoll Häger
Eisenmenger, Gilg b. abt 1495 oo Apoll Beyschlag
Feyerabend, Stefan b. 1490 oo Elis Kraft
Firnhaber, Heinrich b. ~1444 oo Cath Harlung
Geyer, Hans b. abt 1430 oo -- Müller
Halberg, Sebald b. ~1442 oo Marg Feyerabend & Barb Geyer
Haug, Joss b. bef 1495 oo Dorothea Biermann
Helbling, Martin b. abt 1425 oo Unknown
Kelheimer, Valentin b. bef 1522 oo Marg
Kolb, Daniel b. abt 1500 oo Marg Dötschmann
Krauss Georg b. abt 1443 oo Unknown
Mayer, Matthes b. abt 1505 oo Marg Wenger
Meißner, Andreas b. bef 1495 oo Anna Mang
Müller, Georg Elder b. abt 1440 oo Anna Hoffmann
Müller, Klaus b. bef 1450 oo Marg Bühl
Reitz, Hans b. abt 1455 oo Unknown
Schübelin, Hans b. abt 1450 oo Marg Blanck
Schweicker, Abram b. 1536 oo Barbara Bühl
Seiferheld, Hans b. abt 1485 oo Anna Dötschmann
Seiferheld, Jörg b. 1482 oo Walburg Wetzel
Seyboth, Daniel b. abt 1492 oo Ottilie Mangold
Seyboth, Michel b. bef 1494 oo Marg Sanwald & Marg Krauss
Seyboth, Philipp b. bef 1496 oo Barbara
Stattman, Burkhard b. bef 1493 oo Anna Blanck & Barb Gräter
Ulmer, Ulrich b. abt 1450 oo Dorothea Wetzel
Vogelmann, Klaus b. ca1422 oo Agnes Harlung
Wagner, Seitz b. bef 1410 oo --- Gerhard
Der Loß - The Lot Agreement Process
Sometime before 1499 complexities arose in the sharing the hereditary salt right. The administrations: the Haalmeister, devised a plan used elsewhere on the continent, namely, drawing Lots.
Click the book cover image above to see a translation of the Salzsieder chapter