Dominating the upper hill of the town, St Michaels is the focal point of the east side of the square with the Rathaus dominating the west side. An active church, St Michaels is full of beautiful religious art and burial memorials for prominent Haller over the last 600 years.
View down the central nave
Burial Memorials along the left wall
Burial Memorials along the right wall
Stifterwappen board contains family "crests" to note donations for educational scholarships
Earliest donation: 1494
Melchior Wetzel, Mayor in 1552
Mayor Johann Friedrich Bonhöffer (relative of Dietrich Bonhöffer)
Family Tree painting for Lienhard Romig, his 5 wives, children & grandchildren
Peter Firnhaber (+1620) husband of Maria Busch
Gertraud Halberg, wife of Joseph Vogelmann
Melchior Wenger (wives: Marg Wetzel & Marg Mangold)